Maine Sex Offender One Stop Resource

Resource Website For Maine Registered Citizens

State/County Resources

Resources by State and County in Maine

Jobs, and Programs for Felons in Maine – Page 1 of 2

Find jobs, housing, federal programs, and help for felons in Maine. View jobs that are located throughout major cities on the State Employment page here, view …

[PDF]Employment Information Handbook For Ex-Offenders

What about federal programs to help exoffenders? … What about state and federaljobs for exoffenders? …… Maine State Vital Records Office. Office of Vital  …

Employment Sex Offender Resources

Below we have listed several tips and resources that may help you in finding a job, even … This book has helped thousands of exoffenders and felons get jobs.

Reentry Programs for Ex-Offenders – By State | Help For

Exoffenders have difficulties finding jobs, adequate housing or evenIowa | Kansas | Kentucky | Louisiana | Maine | Maryland | Massachusetts |Michigan  …

Resources for:Exoffender with a record of arrest, conviction or imprisonment; anyone who has ever been on parole or probation, or has any police record

Maine | National HIRE Network

Information about State Department of Labor resources may be of interest to:veterans, exfelons, high risk youth, summer youth, Food Stamp recipients, SSI  …

Career Resource Library – America’s Career InfoNet – Toolkit › Career Tools

Career OneStop

AL – Alabama Ex-Offender Resources and Assistance, National HIRE NetworkME –Maine ExOffender Resources and Assistance, National HIRE Network  …

Maine Crimes – Companies in Maine that hire Felons…

Companies in Maine that hire Felons EMPLOYER STREET CITY AAA Marginal Way Portland AAA Interstate Septic System Lane Rd New Sharon A & B Movers …

Felon Services Directory: Find Jobs, Housing, Information … is a felon help services directory. We are new, and making it possible to give you access to all relevant felon services, such as: support …


MaineWorks provides outstanding, immediate, short-term labor to clients within … We offer this unique resource to better the lives of our employees as well as to .

State Resources

Business & Corporate Services
License a business; search registered corporations; Search & File UCC's; File annual reports; Request criminal history reports; and more employer services. 

Cities & Counties
Find City, Town and County Information

File a consumer complaint regarding credit, insurance, banking, securities, public utilities or a licensed professional.

Search school profiles, library catalogs, and state archives record.
Ask a Librarian, find educational online games and more.
Local School Directory

Elder Independence of Maine

Employers & Employment
Apply for unemployment insurance, search for jobs, find economic statistics and more.

Get weather forecasts, air quality conditions, oil spill reports, and more.

Family & Community
Find apple orchards and farmers markets, order birth/death certificates, license your dog, stop telemarketing calls, search for housing, search the sex offender database, and more.

Game Warden Service
Through education, community involvement, professional law enforcement and search and rescue practices, they serve and protect the public while conserving Maine's fish, wildlife and other natural resources.

Find your elected officials, search Maine laws, check bill status, listen to audio from State legislature, and more.

Greater Portland Council of Governments (GPCOG)
Founded in 1969, the Greater Portland Council of Governments (GPCOG) is a voluntary non-profit organization with a distinguished history of service to the municipalities and public service agencies of the Greater Portland (Maine) region. GPCOG's members include 25 municipalities. Selectmen Representative is Mike Reynolds (2014)
Annual Reports

Health & Safety
Find a doctor, search sex offender database, report a crime, order water test kits, order criminal history report and more.

History, Statistics and Records
Search state archive records, order birth/death certificates, search health statistics and more.

Income Taxes and refund programs
File taxes online, check refund status and more.

Inland Fisheries and Wildlife (IF&W)

Law enforcement & courts
Search sex offender database, order criminal history reports, pay traffic tickets, search court opinions and more.

Licenses & Permits
Renew driver's license, buy hunting/fishing licenses, renew professional licenses, order burning permit, and more.

Maine DOT

Maine Sex Offender Registry

Mid-Maine Waste Action Corp.

Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) Program
A low interest loan program administered by Effiecency Maine that allows for property owners to make energy/heating improvements to their homes. Raymond adopted the PACE Ordinance in June, 2012 and can be found in the miscellaneous ordinances.

Portland Area Comprehensive Transportation System (PACTS)

Find community events, register your ATV/snowmobile, buy hunting/fishing licenses, reserve a campsite, search State parks and more.

Shopping/Online Stores
Buy Maine goods online, shop the Fish & Wildlife Store, find Maine agricultural products and more.

State Fire Marshal's Office
The mission of the Office of State Fire Marshal is to prevent loss of life and property for those that live, work and visit in the State of Maine.  Our goal is to protect against the devastation of fire, explosions and life safety hazards with integrity and fairness through fire prevention, public education, planning, research, investigation and enforcement of enacted laws and rules.
Local Dispatch: 657-3030
Arson Hotline: 1-888-870-6162

Travel & Tourism
Find community events and fairs, search restaurants, get road conditions/travels alerts, and more.

Vehicles and Transportation
Renew your vehicle registration or driver's license, find current road conditions, buy vanity plates, order crash reports, pay traffic tickets, and more.

Voting & Elections
Find your polling place, elected officials and candidates on the ballot, request an absentee ballot, and more.

Updated: April 1, 2018 — 7:40 pm

The Author


Maine Sex Offender One Stop Resource © 2015