Registration and Notification
Louisiana Sex Offender Registration and Notification Requirements
Any adult residing in this state who has pled guilty to, has been convicted of, or where adjudication has been deferred or withheld for the perpetration or attempted perpetration of, or any conspiracy to commit an enumerated offense as outlined in R.S. 15:542 shall register and notify based on the requirements as outlined below. Sex offenders from other states must notify the Louisiana Bureau of Criminal Identification within 3 days of establishing residence in Louisiana and present himself for registration and notification in accordance with the below requirements.
Initial Registration
You must register with the sheriff of the parish of your residence, or residences, if there is more than one, and with the chief of police if your address is located in an incorporated area which has a police department. If the parish has a population in excess of 450 thousand, you shall register with the police department of the municipality of residence.
You must also register with the sheriff of the parish or parishes where you are employed and the sheriff of the parish or parishes where you go to school. If the population is in excess of 450 thousand, then you shall register with the police department of the municipality where you are employed or attend school.
You must register in the parish of conviction for the initial registration only.
You are required to report in-person to register in accordance with law to the appropriate law enforcement agency within three (3) business days after release from confinement or conviction.
You must provide the following information to the appropriate law enforcement agency at the time of registration:
- Name and any aliases you have used
- Physical address or addresses of residence
- Name and physical address of employment, including travel routes used
- Name and physical address of school in which you are a student
- Two forms of proof of residence for each residential address or affidavit of an adult resident at address
- Crime of conviction including statue, date and place of conviction, and if known, the court and docket number
- Current photograph, fingerprints, palm prints, and DNA sample if not already provided
- Telephone number including cell phone number
- Description of every vehicle registered to or operated by you including license plate number and copy of drivers license
- Social Security number and date of birth
- Physical description including but not limited to sex, race, hair color, height, age, weight, scars, tattoos, or other identifying marks
- Every e-mail address, online screen name or other online identity
Initial Notification
You must provide community notification within 21 days of release from confinement or conviction. You must give notice of the crime for which you were convicted, your name, residential address, a description of your physical characteristics, and a photograph or copy thereof to all of the following:
- At least one person in every residence or business within a one-mile radius in a rural area and a three-tenths of a mile radius in an urban or suburban area of the address of your residence, including any adults residing in your residence.
- The superintendent of the school district where you will reside.
- The lessor, landlord, or owner of the residence or property on which you reside.
- The superintendent of any park, playground, or recreation district within the designated area where you reside.
You must also have published on two separate days a notice of the crime for which you were convicted, your name, the jurisdiction of conviction, a description of your physical characteristics, your physical address and a recent photograph or a clear copy of a recent photograph, in a newspaper or an approved official journal in the parish in which you will reside. This will be without cost to the state. (persons convicted of R.S. 14:92(A)(7) and 89(A)(2) shall not be required to comply with the above)
Any other notice that was deemed appropriate by the court in which you were convicted of the offense that subjects you to the duty to register, including but not limited to signs, handbills, bumper stickers, or clothing labeled to that effect.
If you provide recreational instruction to persons under the age of seventeen, you shall also post a notice in the building or facility where such instruction is being given. This notice shall contain your name, photograph, the date, jurisdiction of conviction, and the crime for which you were convicted.
Unlawful Presence of a Sex Offender
If you are convicted of an offense as described in R.S. 15:541 (14.1) when the victim is under the age of 13 your presence may not be in, on or within 1000 feet of any school or motor vehicle or other means of conveyance, owned, leased, or contracted by such school to transport students. You may not be in, on or within 1000 feet of any public park or recreational facility. You may not establish any residence within 1000 feet of any school, park or recreational facility.
The Louisiana State Police maintains the Louisiana Sex Offender Registry. To view sex offenders currently listed on the registry,click here.
For the national registry, visit