Adult Community Corrections
Director Willard Goodwin
State House Station 111
Augusta, ME. 04333
Location: Tyson Bldg, AMHI Campus, Augusta
Telephone: (207) 287-4380
Willard Goodwin was appointed Director of Adult Community Corrections for the Maine Department of Corrections by Dr. Joseph Fitzpatrick on October 5, 2015. He started his career more than 23 years ago as a Probation-Parole Officer and has worked in multiple counties throughout central and eastern Maine. In each county, he has built strong positive relationships will all stakeholders from law enforcement, judicial, attorneys, treatment providers, and within the community. He has also held positions as an Assistant Regional Correctional Administrator, Regional Correctional Manager, and currently as the Regional Correctional Administrator for Region 3A.
Probation Services
Probation is a court-ordered term of community supervision with specified conditions for a determinant period of time that cannot exceed the maximum sentence for the offense. It is imposed on an adjudicated offender who is placed under supervision in lieu of or subsequent to incarceration, with a requirement to comply with certain standards of conduct. The probationer is required to abide by all conditions ordered by the court. Violation of these conditions may result in revocation by the court and imposition of an underlying sentence which was imposed at the time the offender was sentenced to probation. The probationer is generally required to pay the cost of supervision to the State of Maine, and may have additional conditions requiring payment of restitution, court costs and fines, public service, various types of treatment.
The probationer is usually required to visit his/her supervising officer in the local field office at intervals related to their risk of re-offending as measured by a risk/need assessment tool. If the probationer’s assessment places him/her in the higher risk of re-offending classifications, the officer will contact the offender at his/her home and place of employment in addition to maintaining contact with service providers and other community members.
The average number of adult offenders under supervision in the State of Maine is 7300.
Nationally more than 2,000 probation agencies supervise an estimated 3.2 million offenders.
Regional Offices
Adult Community Corrections is divided into three regions with numerous suboffices. The main offices are in: